832 実形状肺気道モデルを用いた呼吸解析 : 呼気と吸気の比較(J05-3 生命体統合シミュレーション(3),ジョイントセッション,21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)


  • 832 Pulmonary airflow simulation using image-based airway model : comparison between inspiraotry and expiratory airflow pattern


We have numerically analyzed inspiratory and expiratory airflow using an image-based pulmonary airway model. As a result, the image-based analysis provided us with some interesting flow features, which is hardly seen in analyses using idealistic airway models. We have examined relationship between flow rate at trachea and pressure drop between trachea and peripheral airways during inspiraotry and expiratory phase. There was difference of pressure drop between inspiratory and expiratory phase even the flow rate was identical, though pressure loss due to fluid viscosity in inspiratory and expiratory phase was almost identical. Generally, pressure drop in a tube is given from summation of dynamic pressure and pressure loss due to fluid viscosity. We conclude that the difference of pressure drop was occurred due to dynamic pressure caused by the difference of cross sectional area between trachea and peripheral airways.


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