Supporting Both Blog-Article Accessing and Skill Overviewing on Nawatobi-SNS(Paper on Educational System Development,<Special Issue>Development of Learning and Educational Technologies)

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  • SNS上でのナワトビスキルの学習者を対象とする個別記事閲覧とその全体像俯瞰の支援(教育システム開発論文,<特集>学習・教育支援のための技術開発)
  • 教育システム開発論文 SNS上でのナワトビスキルの学習者を対象とする個別記事閲覧とその全体像俯瞰の支援
  • キョウイク システム カイハツ ロンブン SNS ジョウ デ ノ ナワトビスキル ノ ガクシュウシャ オ タイショウ ト スル コベツ キジ エツラン ト ソノ ゼンタイゾウフカン ノ シエン

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Current fitness activities that include daily exercises play a greater role than ever before. This paper proposes a cooperative system focusing on the rope jumping for skill development of learners. This system was designed and developed based on video-diaries in SNS (Social Networking Service). In order for learners to explore and develop skills, the system provides a recommendation message having a hyperlink to another article and a graph that presents birds-eye-view of relevant skills with hyperlinks. The pattern of the message is selected by the characteristic information of a physical activity from a video. A graph is generated by the track back among diaries. Finally, an evaluation of the system revealed that the conceived functions were effective for learners' exploring and developing skills through browsing activities and an awareness of the relationship between skills on the system.


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