アメリカ進歩主義教育における保育内容に関する一考察 : ハワイ・キャッスル幼稚園,ナーサリー・スクールに着目して


  • A Study of the Curriculum and Contents in American Progressive Education : Focusing on Castle Kindergarten and Nursery School in Hawaii
  • アメリカ シンポ シュギ キョウイク ニ オケル ホイク ナイヨウ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ : ハワイ ・ キャッスル ヨウチエン,ナーサリー ・ スクール ニ チャクモク シテ



This study aims to show the features of American progressive kindergarten in the early 20th century, through analyzing the curriculum and contents of Henry and Dorothy Castle Memorial Kindergarten and Nursery School in Hawaii. This kindergarten was established by Mary Castle at Honolulu in 1899 and influenced from John Dewey. And in 1927, the nursery school was established because educating younger children was important. Children could select the subject matter based on their own interest. And the objects which were used in the school, were made up of something accessible to children. For example, children’s activities were preparing lunch, washing clothes, caring for pets, gardening, drawing, playing with clay, floor blocks, and so on. They expressed freely how they felt and what they thought. And multicultural children entered the Castle school. In the 1930’s about 40% of the children were Japanese. Most of their parents were immigrants for plantations and then moved to Honolulu to work at an office or do business. They needed to gain American behaviors, habits, and understand English before entering Public School. In Castle School, teachers gave the skills to Japanese children through the progressive educational ideas and methods. But it may point out that some activities, materials and habits in the Castle school were not familiar to Japanese children. Though being confused about the difference of habits between school and home, they acquired the skills.




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