

  • カイゴ ロウジン ホケン シセツ デイケア ニ ツウショ スル キョジャク コウレイ ジョセイ ニ タイスル シュウダン ダンス ムーブメント セラピー ノ シンリ セイリテキ コウカ
  • Psycho-Physiological Effects of Group Dance/Movement Therapy on Frail Elderly Women Attending Day-Care Centers of Geriatric Health Services Facilities



疾病・障害をもつ虚弱高齢女性に対する集団ダンス・ムーブメントセラピー(DMT)の生理心理的効果を調べる介入研究を行った。介護老人保健施設デイケアを利用する女性22名(年齢78.7±7.3[SD]歳)を年齢・介護度に有意差のないDMT群(11名)と対照群(11名)に割り付けた。DMT群はDMTに、対照群は手工芸などの静的作業に10週間参加させた(週1回、13:30~14:30)。その他のプログラムは両群とも通常通り実施した。感情、知的機能、日常生活活動(ADL)遂行能力と独自性欲求を心理的指標、唾液中ストレス関連ホルモン{ CortisolとChromogranin A( CgA)}を生理的指標として測定し統計解析を行った。結果、DMT群では参加前後の短期的な感情改善を認めたが、Cortisol値・CgA値とも有意な変化はなく、対照に比しDMTは身体的精神的ストレスを起こし難い作業と考えられる。虚弱高齢女性の短期的な感情改善に向けたDMTの活用が期待される。両群共通に認められた知的機能・ADL遂行時間の維持、「我が道型の独自性欲求」の増強傾向は10週間のデイケア通所による効果だと考えられる。

We conducted an interventional study to examine the psycho-physiological effects of group dance/movement therapy (DMT) on frail elderly women with disease or disabilities. Twenty-two subjects, ranging in age from 66 to 95 years and attending day-care centers in geriatric health services facilities, were allocated to groups performing DMT (n=11) or static activities (Control; n=11). While DMT was carried out, the control group participated in occupations like arts and crafts. All subjects participated in ten 60-minute (13:30 ~ 14:30) sessions of DMT or Control activities over a 10-week period. Normal day-care programs were conducted otherwise. During these experiments, we evaluated changes in psychological indices (emotion, intellectual function, performance of activities of daily living (ADL), and need for uniqueness). We also evaluated physiological indices by measuring saliva levels of the stress-related hormones Cortisol and Chromogranin A (CgA). Data were statistically analyzed and differences were considered significant at p< 0.05. Emotion improved significantly toward a comfortable state before and after DMT, but Cortisol and CgA values did not change significantly at the same time points. DMT subjects appeared to have less distress in mind and body than Control subjects. DMT might be useful for short-term improvements of emotion in frail elderly women. Intellectual function and the time required for ADL were maintained, while the need for uniqueness, defined as“ indifference to what others think,” tended to increase in both groups over the ten weeks. These were considered to be general effects of attending Day-Care for ten weeks.





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