A Model for Personnel Allocation for Quality Assurance at Hospitals

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  • 質保証のための病院業務における要員配置モデルの提案
  • シツ ホショウ ノ タメ ノ ビョウイン ギョウム ニ オケル ヨウイン ハイチ モデル ノ テイアン

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For hospitals, personnel allocation is a critical issue because the quality of healthcare depends on the competence of the personnel. Personnel allocation at hospitals must take into account the diversity of patients' needs, the complexity of the services delivered, and the variation in specialized skills proficiency among personnel. A methodology taking these factors into account has however not been developed yet. The purpose of this study is to develop a model method for personnel allocation that reflects the specific features of hospital jobs. For this purpose, we identified determining necessary competences, determining possessed competences, and deriving allocation patterns as the three core aspects of personnel allocation; and incorporated hospital-specific considerations to each of these aspects. Determining necessary competences involves identifying items to be evaluated and estimating the number of required personnel, based on a job description including hospital-specific features. Determining possessed competences involves evaluating personnel competences in terms of levels reflecting skill proficiency. Deriving personnel allocation patterns involves ensuring quality in situations where possessed competences do not satisfy the necessary competences. Finally, based on real world application, we conclude that our model allows for more adequate patterns of personnel allocation at hospitals than existing approaches.



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