1A2-B16 トマト管理・収穫用ロボットの研究 : 花房認識アルゴリズムと果房収穫エンドエフェクタ


  • 1A2-B16 A tomato harvesting and management robot : Flower cluster recognition algorithm and fruit cluster harvesting end-effector


Large scale Dutch style greenhouses for tomato production have been introduced in many countries recently. Automation systems for many kinds of operations in them are required for improving the conditions of labor shortage, monotonous works, sterilization operation, working efficiency on seedling production, spraying and harvesting operations. In this research, hormone spray and harvesting operations were focused, and machine vision systems and an end-effector were investigated. Because tomato flower petals have higher reflectance in UV region than in visible region, a UV camera and a color camera images were compared. Although end-effectors to harvest individual tomato fruits were already reported so far, an end-effector to harvest a whole fruit cluster was developed and experimented.


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