2A1-F05 2台の高速多指ハンドを用いた布の動的折りたたみ動作


  • 2A1-F05 Dynamic Folding of a Cloth by Two High-speed Multifingered Hands


The purpose of this paper is dynamic manipulation of sheet flexible object. As one example of dynamic manipulations of sheet flexible object, dynamic folding of a cloth with two high-speed multifingered hands mounted on sliders system will be carried out. First, the dynamic folding by a human is analyzed in order to extract the necessary motion for achievement of this task. Second, a model of sheet flexible object will be proposed by extending the linear flexible object model (algebra equation) using high-speed motion. Third, the motion planning of the robot system will be performed by using the proposed model and the simulation result will be shown. Finally, the experiment with the trajectory obtained by the simulation will be executed.


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