MNM-KN-1 MEMSに科学を : マイクロ・ナノ理工学の深化が産業を支える(キーノート・セッション)


  • MNM-KN-1 MEMS needs Science : Innovation Lives on In-Depth Research in Micro/Nano Physics


In order to strengthen the competitiveness of Japanese MEMS industries, academia should change their research strategy. In addition to their conventional activities proposing and prototyping a novel device/system concept, academia is much more asked to respond to the confidence of industries by providing solid knowledge based on in-depth research in micro-nano science and technologies. The following two examples of basic research responding to industrial demands are introduced and the conditions allowing such interdisciplinary research are discussed ; (1) new findings in anisotropic silicon wet etching and those applications, and (2) research in fracture behaviors of single crystal silicon. The increasing demand for strategic basic research is argued for the further developments of MEMS industry.


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