マイクロファイナンスと陳情行動 -インド・バンガロール農村県の村民集会の事例から-


  • マイクロファイナンス ト チンジョウ コウドウ インド バンガロール ノウソン ケン ノ ソンミン シュウカイ ノ ジレイ カラ
  • Microfinance and Group Petitions: Case Study of Gram Sabha in Bangalore Rural District,India




This paper inquires into political behavior of microfinance members at Gram Sabha meetings in Bangalore Rural District, India. The field research data of participatory observation conducted from Jan to Feb, 2006, show that poor women of microfinance groups tried to take political actions as unusual way when they need to have direct contact with government officials and political leaders. Poor women always acted in obedience to patriarchal norms and abstained from addressing any contentions in public meetings. They moved to petition their government officials only when formal procedures of Gram Sabha meetings had been finished. According to State Human Development Report published by Government of Karnataka in 2006, poor women engaging in microfinance activity have become much self-confident owing to their rich experiences of business negotiations with bankers and other stakeholders. As far as the findings of the field survey, however, poor women's success in economic activities has not changed their mind to make the same political claims as men do in Gram Sabha. Most of poor women prefer informal group petition to formal public allegation. Several factors may affect their unique political attitudes. First, poor women are careful not to act ageinst traditional and ideal image of Hindu women, which is typically portrayed as Sita in Ramayana. Secondly, they do not have any political ambitions to acquire agenda-controlling power of Gram Sabha meeting. Finally, their political aims can be fulfilled only by informal group petition. Poor women have the advantage of group action because they have mutual trust nurtured by microfinance activities. The above suppositions on poor women's petitions are analyzed in depth with observation data and interview records, especially referring to the recent political context of revitalizing Gram Sabha institution in India.




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