エドゥアルト・ブルガーの労作教育論 : その実践的段階に焦点をあてて


  • Arbeitspadagogik by Eduard Burger : Focusing on the stages of the practice
  • エドゥアルト ブルガー ノ ロウサク キョウイクロン ソノ ジッセンテキ ダンカイ ニ ショウテン オ アテテ



This is a study of Arbeitspädagogik by Eduard Burger, especially focusing on the stages of its practice. The Austrian Schoolreform was started by Otto Glöckel in 1919. He proposed that a new school for Austria should be an Arbeitsschule. Burger's theory had a great influence on the new Volksschule Lehrplan of the Austrian Schoolreform. In this paper I would like to examine Burger's stages of the practice and its availability through analyzing the practice model in Heimatkunde. Burger classified the Arbeit, psychological-physical activity, into three stages in order to make his own theory usefull for teaching directly; (1) auffassende Arbeit, (2) geistige Verarbeitung, (3) darstellende Arbeit. Moreover Burger showed concrete activities in each stage in order to help teachers adopt them easily. (1) Auffassende Arbeit is the stage in which students notice the purposes of teaching through their own experiencies. The main activity of this stage is observation. This makes students notice the changes of things, which is set as designed purposes in teaching. (2) Geistige Verarbeitung is the stage in which students reach an understanding about the concepts through thinking. The main activity in this stage is questioning by teachers or students themselves. Questioning helps students think about the core of teaching contents. (3) Darstellende Arbeit is the stage in which students express their understanding by their own hand and voice. The main activity is drawing. It makes clear student's way of thinking. And writing and speaking are also useful for this stage. In this way, Burger organized three stages for the practice of Arbeitspädagogik. And in each stage he showed concrete and simple activities so that teachers might accept them easily in teaching procedure. We can find Burger's idea in the practice models of Heimatkunde clearly. The models are about space in connection with reading maps. Students make the plan of their own classroom. In the process, they observe the classroom, learn the bird's-eye view and scale, consider how to draw it, and practice the direction using the plan. These activities are all found in Burger's stages of the practice. Therefore, we can conclude that it is possible to apply Burger's theory to practical teaching procedure. I should note that Burger's theory is also found in modern Austria education. The models mentioned in this paper are used today in Sachunterricht of Volksschule the third year. The content and method are the same as Burger's. It follows from this that Burger's stages of the practice are considered as a concrete and practical theory even today.


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