201 水蒸気加熱処理を用いた都市ごみからの塩素含有量の少ない固体燃料の製造 : 水洗脱塩処理と生成燃料の燃焼特性(循環型廃棄物処理技術(1))


  • 201 Chlorine-Free Solid Fuel Production from Municipal Solid Waste by Hydrothermal Process : Water-washing Dechlorination and Combustion Characteristics of the Produced Fuel
  • Chlorine-Free Solid Fuel Production from Municipal Solid Waste by Hydrothermal Process : Water-washing Dechlorination and Combustion Characteristics of the Produced Fuel



The experiments on converting Japanese MSW into chlorine-free solid fuel using the combination of the hydrothermal process and the water-washing have been performed. It was observed that after the hydrothermal process, the organic chlorine in the product was reduced and converted into water-soluble inorganic chlorine due to dehydrochlorination effect as well as reaction with the alkaline content of MSW. Water-washing experiments were then conducted to obtain chlorine-free products with less than 3,000 ppm total chlorine content and identify the influencing parameters of chlorine removal by the washing process. In this research, a thermogravimetric analysis to compare the combustion characteristics of products before and after the washing process was also performed.


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