南部北上山地における毘沙門堂と谷権現の時空間的位置 : 宮沢賢治のまなざしが捉えたもの


  • ナンブ ホクジョウ サンチ ニ オケル ビシャモンドウ ト タニ ゴンゲン ノ ジクウカンテキ イチ : ミヤザワ ケンジ ノ マナザシ ガ トラエタ モノ
  • Spatiotemporal Locations of Bishamondo Temple and Tani-gongen in the Southern Kitakami Mountains : What Kenji Miyazawa Saw






Yonechi et al. hypothesized that Kenji Miyazawa had spatiotemporally recognized that the western edge of the southern Kitakami Mountains served as the Kitakami plain's boundary with the heterodox world in the east and tested this hypothesis. Miyazawa likened the southern Kitakami Mountains and the Kitakami plain to the Tibetan Plateau(Trans Himalayan highlands in his works) and the plains in China. The reason behind this is that there was a time when Okurokugun, the western plain controlled by the Yamato dynasty the military chiefs, and Hei, the land of the Emishi people in the east, faced each other, and that history of the area's topographical changes has been passed down through the legends of Aterui and Abe no Sadato, various local performing arts, and festivals. For example, the string of temples and shrines that enshrine sculptures of Tobatsu Bishamonten, located on the western edge of the southern Kitakami Mountains, is the sacred barrier for the east, and west of the string is the heterodox world, which believes in the existence of Tani-gongen(Tannai Shrine). However, this barrier, which was originally built by the west side, later became the east side's barrier against the west. Kenji Miyazawa also felt that the barrier was more like the beginning of the underworld rather than a neutral boundary.




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