P-64 沖縄産海綿由来新規アルカロイドnakijinamine類の構造(ポスター発表の部)



  • Nakijinamines, New Alkaloids from Okinawan Marine Sponges


Aaptamine (6) was a characteristeic marine natural product possessing 1H^benzo[de][1,6]-naphthyridine ring, which was isolated from the Okinawan marine sponge Aaptos aaptos. Approximately 20 related alkaloids have been isolated from several species of marine sponges so far. A lot of interstint researches have been performed since the isolation of 6 in 1982 due to its unique structures and various biological activities. During our continuous search for structurally interesting metabolites from marine sponges, a new bromoindole alkaloid, 6-bromoconicamin (1), a hybrid compound of 1 and bisdemethylaaptamne (5), nakijinamine A (2), and its derivatives, nakijinamines B (3) and C (4), have been isolated from two collections of Suberites sp. (SS-1083 and SS-1084). Their structuers were elucidated from spectroscopic data and chemical conversions. 6-Bromoconicamin (1) is an indole alkaloid having bromine atom at C-6 in conicamin, which was isolated from the Mediterranean marine tunicate Aplidium conicum. Nakijinamine A (2) is the hybrid compound of 1 and bisdemethylaaptamine (5), while nakijinamines B (3) and C (4) are related alkaloids of 2. Although the elucidatio of the gross structure of 2 from its spectroscopic data was very difficult due to broadening signals in ^1H NMR spectrum of 2, the structure of 2 was able to be a ssigned from chemical conversions of 2. The structure of 3 was assigned as the debromo analog of 2 by the comparison of NMR data with 2. Although 4 had a lot of quaternary carbons and hetero atoms in its structure, its gross structure was elucidated from careful analysis of spectroscopic data and comparison of NMR data with known compounds. The confirmation of the structure of 4 and biological activities of 1-4 are in progress.


詳細情報 詳細情報について

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  • データソース種別
    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
  • 抄録ライセンスフラグ

