Teacher Support for 5-Year-Old Children's Mathematical Understanding :

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  • 5歳児の数量理解に対する保育者の援助 :
  • 5歳児の数量理解に対する保育者の援助 : 幼稚園での自然観察にもとづく検討
  • 5サイジ ノ スウリョウ リカイ ニ タイスル ホイクシャ ノ エンジョ : ヨウチエン デ ノ シゼン カンサツ ニ モトズク ケントウ
  • 幼稚園での自然観察にもとづく検討
  • Naturalistic Observations in Japanese Preschools

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The present study was aimed at investigating preschool teachers' support for 5-year-old children's mathematical understanding by examining types and frequency of mathematical activity practiced in preschools, as well as details of the teachers' support in such activities. Ten preschool classrooms were observed for a total of 20 days. As a result, no activities focuses on teaching mathematics were observed. However, teachers' behaviors to support children's mathematical understanding were found fairly frequently in varieties of activities in which teachers' goal was other than teaching mathematics. Teachers embedded mathematics in everyday activities, for example, by letting children collect certain number of materials when creating art projects, by asking the number of children who were present in the classroom when taking attendance, and by introducing children games that require the use of numbers.


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