Industrial organization in the early 20th century : a case study of the Japan Salt Industry Association

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  • 日清戦後経営期における同業者団体の活動 : 大日本塩業協会の会報発行活動を事例に
  • ニッシンセンゴ ケイエイキ ニ オケル ドウギョウシャ ダンタイ ノ カツドウ : ダイニホンエンギョウ キョウカイ ノ カイホウ ハッコウ カツドウ オ ジレイ ニ

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This study explores the role of a trade association in the early twentieth century through an analysis of the contents of newsletters published by the Japan Salt Industry Association (JSIA) from 1896 to 1903. The results of our analysis are as follows. First, bureaucrats of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce (MAC) and salt manufacturers in the Setouchi area played central roles in the operation of JSIA. Second, most of the articles in JSIA's newsletters were written by bureaucrats of the MAC. Third, the contents of the newsletters varied with policy changes for the salt industry and volume of salt imports. The MAC conveyed information about salt industry policies to salt manufacturers through the JASI's newsletters. In contrast, salt manufacturers did not tend to exchange information within the industry. JSIA was founded by MAC bureaucrats striving to protect against salt imports in cooperation with salt manufacturers striving to promote salt exports. The role of JSIA's newsletters was to convey information from MAC to manufacturers.


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