社会人の「生活力」調査からみた家庭科教育の課題 : 1977,78年度版と1969,70年度版以前の学習指導要領で学んだ世代の比較を通して


  • Challenges for Home Economics Education Clarified by a Survey on Adults' "Life Skill" : A Comparison between the Cohort which Studied under the 1977/1978 Course of Study and that which Studied under or before the 1969/1970 Course of Study
  • シャカイジン ノ 「 セイカツリョク 」 チョウサ カラ ミタ カテイカ キョウイク ノ カダイ : 1977,78ネンドバン ト 1969,70ネンドバン イゼン ノ ガクシュウ シドウ ヨウリョウ デ マナンダ セダイ ノ ヒカク オ トオシテ



The objective of this study was to acquire suggestions by clarifying adult men and women's "Life skills" from the two cohorts. The survey included 82 items. The participants were asked the same three questions for each item: if the participants were already practicing ("Practice"), if the participants wanted to learn more to improve their life ("Improvement"), and if the participants expected others to learn in home economics("Expectation"). "Life skill" was defined from "Practice," "Improvement" and "Expectation" viewpoints. As a result, it was found that "Life skill" was consisted of four types. There were two types of "Life skills" with high "Expectation": high "Expectation" "Life skills" with high "Practice" and high "Expectation" "Life skills" with low "Practice". Another type of "Life skill" indicated low "Expectation" to learn in home economics, but high desire for "Improvement". The other type showed high "Practice" and low desire for "Improvement" as well as low "Expectation" to learn in home economics.




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