保育における「そこにあるもの」の価値 : アフォーダンス理論の自然実在論的解釈を通して


  • Values of `Things Out There' in Early Childhood Education and Care : An Interpretation of Affordance Theory as Natural Realism
  • ホイク ニ オケル ソコ ニ アルモノ ノ カチ : アフォーダンス リロン ノ シゼン ジツザイロンテキ カイシャク オ トオシテ





This paper answers the question whether it is possible for preschool teachers to share their experiential world with children from the perspective of natural realism. The problem of perception is explored to connect a philosophical perspective with practical issues. Through an interpretation of affordance theory as natural realism, in this paper, I shall clearify that the reality of `things out there' is perceived directly during the process of collaborative verification. The common reality of `things out there' is shared, but each of us experiences it in different ways. We can understand each other by sharing experiencial worlds though our common reality, which leads to the individual's transformation. In this light, the meanings and values of our environment are shareable but infinite; therefore they cannot be perceived completely. In conclusion, I shall discuss the possibility of inquiring into children's experiential worlds by paying attention to affordances, which children perceive in their own way.


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