公共施設マネジメントにおける市民討議会の活用 : 盛岡市における無作為抽出による不偏性の高い市民意見聴取の取組み


  • コウキョウ シセツ マネジメント ニ オケル シミン トウギカイ ノ カツヨウ : モリオカシ ニ オケル ムサクイ チュウシュツ ニ ヨル フヘンセイ ノ タカイ シミン イケン チョウシュ ノ トリクミ
  • Drawing on Public Discussions for Public Facilities Management : Efforts for a Highly Unbiased Survey of Citizen Opinions by Random Sampling in Morioka City






The population decline and fiscal exigency of our day make it difficult to qualitatively expand public services, which now require systematic reduction. However, transitioning from service expansion to eduction is not simple. While the need for systematic reduction is widely recognized, systems for evaluating opposing ideas and meeting challenges are not functioning well. Unlike the conventional practice of profit distribution, the coordination of interests over the distribution of burdens now faces serious challenges. On the other hand, it is necessary to establish a process for ascertaining feasibility, coordinating different interests, and trying to reach arrangements in cooperation with residents through discussion and deliberation among citizens. However, current public debates hardly deal with issues that really require solutions. The City of Morioka held a public debate under the theme of aging public facilities, which was previously unheard of as a topic of such debates, in an attempt to coordinate the different interests of the public. This paper discusses the effectiveness of such debates by citizens, and points out challenges that must be faced in order to better coordinate different interests.




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