1A1-G08 つくばチャレンジ : 実世界で働くロボットを目指して : 2011年度の結果と5年間の成果(車輪型/クローラ型移動ロボット(1))


  • 1A1-G08 Tsukuba Challenge : Toward Mobile Robots Working in Real World : Records in 2011 and Results of Five Years(Wheeled Robot/Tracked Vehicle(1))


We have organized "Tsukuba Challenge 2011" between July and November in Tsukuba city. This year was the final year of five years planning of the Tsukuba Challenge organized since 2007. "Tsukuba Challenge" is The Real World Robot Challenge which aims to realize actual intelligent robots which can work in the real daily life environment. As the subject of Tsukuba Challenge 2011, the robots are required to run autonomously and safely for 1.4 km of a promenade street, a park and a public plaza in as well as the inside of the building in Tsukuba city center.


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