2P1-D01 羽ばたき型水中ロボットを用いた出前授業 : 年齢層によって異なる興味の把握及びLED光源に向かうロボットとLEDライトチューブをトレースするロボットの開発(ものづくり教育・メカトロニクスで遊ぶ(2))


  • 2P1-D01 Classroom Approaches Using Flipper Propelled Turtle-like Robots with Light Sensors : Children's Interests and Development of the Light Follower Robot and the Line Tracing Robot(Manufacturing Education and Mechatronics/Enjoy Mechatronics DIY (2))


In this research, we first investigated children's interests by questionnaires of some classroom for elementary school students. Results of questionnaires show that participants were divided into two groups who have interest in engineering (mechanism) and science (how animal and robot swim?). Then, an improved version of turtle-like robot, which has light sensors on board, was developed to fill child's interest for science and engineering. Child can lead this robot with intuitive feeling by using flashlight. This robot was also designed as line tracer along LED tube light.


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