2P1-I05 ヒトの直立姿勢時の積分補償付き間欠制御モデルの提案(移動知とその新展開)


  • 2P1-I05 Intermittent control with PID model for perturbation during quiet standing on rotational floor(Mobiligence)


Human postural motion is accompanied with long-term perturbation. Nomura et al. considered this long-term perturbation was due to intermittent control, and showed such a control can realize the perturbation similar to human motion. The purpose of this research is to construct a control model that realizes human motion during quiet standing under various conditions. We measured subjects who stood on three floors; normal floor, soft floor with rotational direction and slowly rotating floor. We then performed simulation with two control models: intermittent PD control proposed by Nomura et al. and intermittent PID control, and compared the resultant motions with the experimental results. As a result, while both control models realized postural motion on normal floor, only intermittent PID control realized perturbation around vertical position on soft floor and returning to vertical position on the rotational floor. Therefore integral compensation is considered to have essential role for posture control of quiet standing.


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