1403 プラントシステム全体最適設計のための物理統合モデリング


  • 1403 Integrated physical modeling for total optimization of plant system


Recently, development of mechatronics product is more and more complicated. Hence, complexity is necessary to consider in a new product development. V-shape process is an idea which iteratively applies the verification and validation in the development process. Verification means detailing to the lower design state from upper design stage. The validation confirms whether lower design stage meets the requirements of upper class or not. This is why the V-shape process is effective to use in development of mechatronics product. Although, verifying and validating at each development stage is difficult, because of lack of specific definition. In this study, the authors will develop and propose a hybrid system which has various domains such as driving system, steering system, braking system, air-conditioning system, lubricating system, air-intaking and exhausting system, and cooling system. The authors also developed a system design of component design of driving system and show the result that the validation of driving system by using Modelica and the effectiveness of our proposal.


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