0113 粘弾性流体に掃引されるキャビティ内の流動特性に関する研究


  • 0113 Study on Flow Characteristics in a Cavity Swept by a Visco-Elastic Fluid


In order to study a three-dimensional bulge structure observed in a cavity swept by a viscoelastic fluid, flow visualization experiments have been performed. The cavity depth, the cavity length, the width of wide flow path, the spanwise width of the flow path and the water Reynolds number based on the narrow flow path were fixed at 20 mm, 100 mm, 40 mm, 75 mm and 1,700. The steak lines and path lines were obtained by ink injection method. From the results, it was found that one of path lines shows the reverse flow near the cavity bottom due to the bulge structure formation. The path lines around the bulge structure were also found to be quite different from each other even in the cases when the lines flow at the almost same point. This indicates the bulge structure has non-uniformity on time and on space.


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