B-28 卓球ボールの空力特性の風洞試験と飛翔試験の比較(ボールの空力特性)


  • B-28 A comparison of the aerodynamic force of table tennis ball between wind tunnel experiment and a flight experiment


It seems that there is a great difference between a wind tunnel test and a flight test about a region of the negative Magnus force. In order to confirm these differences, the flight experiments were conducted. At low spin condition, some strange trajectory that a ball rises to was occasionally observed. The trajectory obtained from the flight experiments and the simulation based on the wind tunnel experiment were compared at about Re=8.5×10^4. Trajectories except SP=0.4 by which negative Magnus force was observed in the wind tunnel experiment are mutually in agreement. The results from flight experiments also suggest that the negative Magnus force does not appear in table tennis game.


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