

  • Increasing Creativity During Teleconferences with Facial Appearance Change
  • 表情変形フィードバックによる遠隔協調作業における創造力向上支援
  • ヒョウジョウ ヘンケイ フィードバック ニ ヨル エンカク キョウチョウ サギョウ ニ オケル ソウゾウリョク コウジョウ シエン



Creativity has advocated as important ability in various field. There are many studies to developing creativity through education and training, and presenting stimulation, such as pictures, that evoke positive emotion. Such conventional studies are intended to develop creativity of single person. However, creativity of group members is not simply sum of each single person, since communication of the group member is factor for developing creativity. On the other hand, many psychological studies have shown that facial appearance has effect on emotion of each person during communication. Also emotion of people transmits to each other through unconscious imitation of facial expression and voice. Based on the knowledge, in current study, we propose a method to increase creativity during teleconference by feedback of deformed facial appearance to each other in real-time. We made a system to deform facial appearance of each other and evaluate our proposed method using the system. Through this evaluation, we showed that our method enable us to develop creativity during tele-collaborative work.


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