

  • Pathogenic significance of IgG and IgG(4) antibodies against Candida albicans in bronchial asthma



カレジダ特異的IgG及びIgG(4)抗体が,気管支喘息の発症病態に関与しているかどうかについて検討を加えた。カンジダ特異的IgGおよびIgG(4)抗体は, 0-30才の年齢層の症例ではアトピー性素因の強い症例で,また,31-60才の年齢層の症例ではストロイド依存性重症難治性喘息症例で,さらに61才以上の高年令の症例で,その産生亢進が観察される。これらの症例におけるIgG及びIgG(4)抗体産生は,0-30才の年齢ではアトピーとの関連で,また31-60才の年齢では副腎皮質ホルモンの長期投与と関連して,さらに61才以上の症例では加齢と関連して,細胞性免疫能が低下し,そのためカンジダの発育が促進され,その結果として,IgG及びIgG(4)抗体の産生亢進が見られることが明らかにされている。すなわち,気管支喘息におけるカンジダに対するIgG系抗体の産生亢進は,cell-mediated immunityの低下と言う共通の基盤を有しており,病因的意義とは必ずしも関連していないことを述べた。

Pathogenic significance of IgG and IgG(4) antibodies against Candida albicans was discussed in patients with bronchial asthma. An increased production of IgG and IgG(4) antibodies against Candida albicans has been observed in patients with atopic between the ages of 0 and 30, those with steroid-dependent intractable asthma between 31 and 61, and elderly patients over the age of 61. The mechanism of an increased production of IgG and IgG(4) antibodies seems to be related to atopy in patients between 0 and 30, long-term glucocorticoid therapy in those with steroid-dependent intractable asthma between 31 and 60, and aging in elderly patients over age 61. Atopy, glucocorticoid therapy and aging in general suppress cell-mediated immunity, and suppressed cell-mediated immunity increases growth of C. albicans in patient's body, leading to an increased production of IgG and IgG(4) antibodies against C. albicans. These results show that an increased production of IgG and IgG(4) antibodies against C. albicans is not always related to the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma.


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