

  • Clinical studies on polypoid lesions of the colon.



1990年4月より1994年3月末までの間に岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院で経験した早期大腸癌を含む大腸ポリープ88例を対象に,病理組織診断,性別,年齢構成,存在部位,精査動機について検討を行い,以下の成績を得た。(1)ポリープの69.2%は腺腫,13.2%は腺癌(早期癌)であった。(2)男女とも加齢による大腸ポリープ及び大腸癌の頻度の増加がみられた。(3)50歳未満の若年者では右側結腸にポリープが発見されることは稀であったが50歳以上では6.5%に認められ,高齢者における積極的なtotal colonoscopyによる観葉が重要であることが再確認された。(4)精査動機では便潜血陽性が最多を占め,便潜血は大腸ポリープのスクリーニングにおいて有用であることが示された。またフォローアップ目的に大腸ファイバーを施行しポリープや早期癌を発見した例も多く,フォローアップの必要性が示唆された。

Polypoid lesions, taken by a colon fiberscope, were examined in 88 patients with polyp, who were admitted to Misasa Medical Branch, Okayama University Medical School for last 4 years. (1) Pathohistological examination of the polypoid lesions resulted in 69.2% of adenoma and 13.2% of adenocarcinoma (early cancer) ; (2) 35.5% of the polypoid lesions was detected in the sigmoid colon, 32.7% in the rectum, 16.8% in the transverse colon, 4.7% in the descending colon, 3.7% in the caecum, 1.9% in the ascending colon ; (3) The number of patients with polypoid lesion or colon cancer was increased with aging ; (4) Patients with the age under 50 years did not have polypoid lesion in the right hemicolon, while 6.5% of elder patients over age 50 has polypoid lesions in the right hemicolon ; (5) Occult blood in stool was the most popular motivation for receiving colonoscopic examinations ; (6) The second popular motivation for colonoscopy was for follow up after previous examinations. These results suggest that patients with age over 50 should be examined more carefully by total colonoscopy, and a hemoccult test in stool is an effective method for screening colonic polypoid lesions and after detection of polypoid lesions or polypectomy, reexamination by total colonoscopy is important at regular intervals.


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