『ザ・コーヴ』は問題作品か ―あるドキュメンタリー映画の手法と内容の考察―


  • Is the film "The Cove" problematic? ―An Investigation of the method and content of a documentary film―




Departmental Bulletin Paper

In this article I examine the method and content of the Academy-Award-winning American\ndocumentary film"The Cove", the theme of which is to expose to the public the inhumanity of\ndolphin hunting conducted in Taiji, Japan from the viewpoint of an anti-dolphin-hunting cam-\npaigner. After describing the synopsis of the film, I call in question the film's shooting method.\nThe questions to ask are:how much of a reconstruction of the scene is peumissible in the\ndocumentary film?; is it acceptable to take the sneak shots of the subjects without their\npermission? Then I move on to the analysis of the content of the film. The questions to ask\nhere are:is it a manifestation of cultural imperialism when someone insists that dolphins are\nspecial creatures and then obliges other culture to take the same position?; is 辻true that''The\nCove'"is anti-Japan? In this article I work on to answer these questions.


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