Spin Berry phase in the Fermi-arc states

機関リポジトリ オープンアクセス



An unusual electronic property of a Weyl semimetallic nanowire is revealed. Its band dispersion exhibits multiple subbands of partially flat dispersion, originating from the Fermi-arc states. Remarkably, the lowest energy flat subbands bear a finite size energy gap, implying that electrons in the Fermi-arc surface states are susceptible to the spin Berry phase. This is shown to be a consequence of spin-to-surface locking in the surface electronic states. We verify this behavior and the existence of the spin Berry phase in the low-energy effective theory of Fermi-arc surface states on a cylindrical nanowire by deriving the latter from a bulk Weyl Hamiltonian. We point out that in any surface state exhibiting a spin Berry phase π, a zero-energy bound state is formed along a magnetic flux tube of strength Φ0/2=hc/(2e). This effect is highlighted in a surfaceless bulk system pierced by a dislocation line, which shows a 1D chiral mode along the dislocation line.


  • Physical Review B

    Physical Review B 84 (24), 245415-, 2011

    American Physical Society

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