涼州詞と涼州曲 : 唐代邊塞音樂管見

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  • 'Liang zhou ci ' and 'Liang zhou qu' Domestication of borderland music in the Tang dynasty
  • リョウシュウシ ト リョウシュウキョク トウタイ ヘンサイ インガク カンケン
  • 涼州詞と涼州曲 : 唐代辺塞音楽管見



In this article, I aimed to study the music of Liang zhou (涼州) described in the poetry during the Tang dynasty. The changes of the description of borderland music should reflect the relationship between Tang dynasty and Tu fan (吐蕃). The 'Liang zhou ci (涼州詞)' described in the high Tang period differ from that of the middle Tang. The 'Liang zhou ci (涼州詞)' in the high Tang was described in the traditional way, such as yue fu of the Southern Dynasties Period. But, since the middle Tang, the poets began to use 'Liang zhou ci (涼州詞)' to describe the real circumstances of Liang zhou. On the other hand, 'Liang zhou qu (涼州曲)' descended from Liang zhou in the Kai yuan (開元) period was spread among the Chinese people. After the Tian bao (天寶) period, 'Liang zhou qu (涼州曲)' came to be considered Chinese music. For instance, the pitch of 'Liang zhou qu (涼州曲)' was changed by musicians in the Tang dynasty. Moreover, stories about the Emperor Xuan zong (玄宗) were added. 'Liang zhou qu (涼州曲)' was appreciated as a traditional Chinese music. Especially, since the middle Tang, 'Liang zhou qu (涼州曲)' had another name 'Liang zhou qu (梁州曲)'. It proves that a marginal music took root among the Chinese people.


  • 中國文學報

    中國文學報 72 25-53, 2006-10





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