

  • Immigrants and Immigration Policy in the UK
  • エイコク ニ オケル イミン ト イミン セイサク





急速な高齢化と経済的な側面から,外国人労働者への門戸を広げ始めている日本にとって,移民受け入れ国として長い歴史を持っている英国の移民政策は\ 参考にすべき事例の一つである.そこで本稿では,英国における移民と移民政策の動向を概観し,英国政府が移民にどう対応してきたかを明らかにした.\ EU 市民の出入国・就労が基本的に自由であり,多様な人種や民族を抱える英国では「移民」の定義が文脈によって異なり,外国人と日本人の線引きが比\ 較的はっきりしている日本と比較するのは難しい.英国内で移民政策を論じる上で必ず使われるのは,一年以上住む予定で入国する移民の数であり,出国移民を差し引いた「純移民」は1年間で約25万2,000人(2010年)である.1日あたり約690人の居住者が増えている計算になり,その多さに英国で大きな社会問題になっている.また,移民の多くが英国籍を取得していると考えられている英国では,国内に居住している移民数を「外国籍の者」ではなく「外国生まれの者」の数であらわしており,全人口の1割を超えていると推定されている.\ 英国の移民政策は主に政治的議論の中で展開してきており,この20年間で入\ 国管理の焦点は難民認定申請者の制限から高技能労働者の受け入れへと変化し\ た.現連立政権(2010年~)は労働・留学・家族を理由とした移民の分類すべてにおいて,非ヨーロッパ国出身の移民の入国規制を実施している.また,61万8,000人(2007年)の非正規の移民が英国にいると推定されており,国民の政府への不信感につながっている.人の国際移動が世界的現象となっている現在,入国規制ばかりでなく,どのように移民を社会で受け入れていくかを含めて移民政策を論じていくことが重要である.まだ議論は始まったばかりであり,今後の展開が注目される.

This essay looks at recent migration trends in the UK and provides an overview of the policies. It is useful for Japan to learn the immigration policy in the UK because Japan has\ started to promote acceptance of foreign workers due to a population decline and aging\ society, while Britain has a long history of international migration and ethnic diversity.\ Migrants are defined variously in the UK because there are people with different racial\ and ethnic background and EU citizens are free to enter and work in the UK. Therefore,\ different statistics are used in both countries, and it is difficult to compare the figures of immigration in the UK with those in Japan. The major survey used for British migration policy defines immigrants as those who resided outside the UK for more than a year,and intending to reside in the UK for more than one year. Net migration, the difference between immigration and emigration, was 252,000 in 2010. This is the equivalent to adding 690 people a day to the UK population and it is this figure that the Coalition government has focused on. Stock figures on immigrants are mainly based on the foreign-born, which includes those who have naturalised as British citizens. By 2010, more than 10 per cent of the UK population had been born abroad.\ Migration policyhas always been high on the political agenda in the UK. Over the past\ 20 years, the focus of immigration control has shifted from reducing asylum-seekers to the acceptance of high-skilled labour migrants. The Coalition government, elected in 2010, has introduced measures to reduce labour migration, student migration and family migration from outside the EU. Successive governments have introduced measures to combat unauthorized migration. However, it was estimated that there were 618,000 irregular migrants in 2007, which heightened concern that migration is out of control.\ Contemporary migration is a global phenomenon and it is likely that migrants will continue to come. Therefore, it is important to consider the integration of migrants - how\ to receive migrants in the society and how to promote social integration - in the debate on\ migration policy. Academics and policy makers in Japan should pay attention to the future\ development of migration policy in the UK.


  • 生活社会科学研究

    生活社会科学研究 19 15-24, 2012-10-31


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