住民を対象とした二酸化炭素排出権取引制度は実現可能か? : 大阪府南千里丘地区の住民アンケートの結果を踏まえて


  • Is the Resident-Based Carbon Dioxide Emissions Trading System Realizable? A Case Study Based on a Questionnaire Survey in the Minamisenrioka Area of Osaka Prefecture
  • ジュウミン オ タイショウ ト シタ ニサンカ タンソ ハイシュツケン トリヒキ セイド ワ ジツゲン カノウ カ? : オオサカフ ミナミセンリ キュウ チク ノ ジュウミン アンケート ノ ケッカ オ フマエテ




The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the resident-based carbon dioxide emissions trading system is realizable. We conducted a survey in the vicinity of the Minamisenrioka area in Settsu City of Osaka Prefecture in January, 2009. The survey results indicate that although the residents in the Minamisenrioka area show considerable concern toward environmental issues, they still know little about the carbon dioxide emissions trading system. In addition, many residents consider that government should take the lead in combating global warming. Meanwhile, the results also suggest that the residents wish for an emissions trading system that will not influence their current lifestyle much. Finally, by examining the factors influencing the residents' approval of the emissions trading system, it is clear that if various efforts (e.g., diffusing knowledge on bad effects caused by global warming, promoting clinical diagnosis for households' energy-saving scheme, conducting enlightenment activities regarding the fact that the emissions trading system contributes greatly to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, etc.) are made, the possibility that residents will support the designed resident-based carbon dioxide emissions trading system in the Minamisenrioka area will increase.


  • 広島国際研究

    広島国際研究 17 55-65, 2011-11-30

    広島市立大学国際学部 (Hiroshima City University, Faculty of International Studies)



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