

  • "Special Course in Reading and Writing" ― Course Report ―
  • ヨミカキ トクベツ キョウイク コース ホウコク




日本語学習者の多様化に伴い,漢字の教育を重点的に行うべき学習者群が現われてきた。この学習者群に対応するため,一学期(10週間)で教育漢字(1006字)+3字を学習するコースを企画した。教材には『ICU初級日本語・漢字』(400字)と分野別熟語集(609字)を用い,週8時間の漢字熟語のクラスと週2時間の読解のクラスという構成で進めた。学期終了後の考察で,秋のプレースメントテストのComprehensive Testの成績が高いものほど漢字の定着度が高いという傾向が見られ,次年度にはプレースメントテストの文法と聴解の成績が中級後半以上の者に対象を絞ることが検討されている。また,漢字の字数を減らして読みと作文の時間を増やしながら,漢字の運用面にも気を配っていく必要性も指摘できる。

The recent diversification of learners of Japanese has witnessed a group that needs an intensive training in kanji compounds. To respond to this need, a special course covering 1,009 kanji (kyoiku kanji + 3) in 10 weeks was designed. The initial 400 kanji were introduced by ICU Japanese for University Students Today, while the rest was presented based on the categories of fields on the compound basis. A week consisted of 8 hours of kanji instruction and 2 hours of reading authentic materials. The post-curricular review suggests that those who demonstrated high scores in the Comprehensive Test of the Placement Test tend to benefit more from this course. This implies that the target student group should be, in grammar and aural comprehension, at least in the second half of the Intermediate Level or above. Also, a new curriculum including the less number of required kanji and more emphasis on material reading and on writing composition can be suggested for improvement.


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