Pion properties at finite nuclear density based on in-medium chiral perturbation theory

HANDLE オープンアクセス


The in-medium pion properties, i.e. the temporal pion decay constant ft, the pion mass m^∗_π, and the wave function renormalization in symmetric nuclear matter are calculated in an in-medium chiral perturbation theory up to the next-to-leading order of the density expansion O(k^4_F). The chiral Lagrangian for the pion–nucleon interaction is determined in vacuum, and the low-energy constants are fixed by experimental observables. We carefully define the in-medium state of the pion and find that the pion wave function renormalization plays an essential role in the in-medium pion properties. We show that the linear density correction is dominant and the next-to-leading corrections are not so large at the saturation density, while their contributions can be significant at higher densities. The main contribution of the next-to-leading order comes from the double scattering term. We also discuss whether the low-energy theorems, the Gell-Mann–Oakes–Renner relation and the Glashow–Weinberg relation, are satisfied in the nuclear medium beyond the linear density approximation. We also find that the wave function renormalization is enhanced as much as 50% at the saturation density including the next-to-leading contribution, and that the wave function renormalization can be measured in the in-medium π^0→γγ decay.



詳細情報 詳細情報について

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  • 資料種別
    journal article
  • データソース種別
    • IRDB
    • CiNii Articles

