

  • 湯浅八郎と二十世紀(2)昆虫学から「同志社事件」渦中へ
  • ユアサ ハチロウ ト 20セイキ 2 コンチュウガク カラ ドウシシャ ジケン カチュウ エ




1. A Young Immigrant and University Study in the United States (1908-1921)Yuasa Hachiro made up his mind to do university studies after three years ofexperience as a farm laborer After Completing elementary school and high schooleducation, he studied at Kansas State Agricultural College and at the University ofIllinois, majoring in entomology, and received his M.S. in 1917 and his Ph.D. in 1921.He worked as a researcher in the Zoology Department of the University of Chicago andas an entomological engineer in the Department of Natural History at Illinois State.2. Teaching at Kyoto Imperial University and the Introduction of Ecology to Japan(1924-1943)Yuasa Hachiro married and returned to Japan. Having been invited to be a professorin the Department of Agriculture at Kyoto Imperial University, he taught students using an interdisciplinary approach and introduced the concept of “ ecology” to academic circles in his lectures on entomology. Under his guidance, scholars, such as lmanishi Kinji, broke new ground in the field of ecological evolution theory. Yuasa’s academic contribution was a kind of seed for the future development of primate studies at Kyoto University.When Yuasa was a member of the Council of Kyoto Imperial University, the“Takigawa Incident” happened It was a protest movement by the faculty and students of the Law Department of the University against the policy of the Ministry of Education to dismiss Professor of Law, Takigawa Yukitoki, for his liberal position Because Yuasaexpressed his sympathy with the protestors, he was blacklisted by the Ministry ofEducation.3.Suffering as President of Doshisya Univernty and His Resignation (1934-1937)Yuasa was invited to become the 10th president of Doshisya University. He believedthat his mission was to keep the spirit of Niijima Joe, the founder of Doshisya, alive.However, since Yuasa was marked as a liberal, his assumption of the presidency madeDoshisya the target of ultra nationalists. At that time, the presence of military officersattached to universities as military trainers caused serious problems for the universities.Especially, a military officer attached to Doshisya, Kusakawa Yasushi, an extremerightist and a man of abnormal character, instigated a movement to expel PresidentYuasa from Doshisya by agitating students. He was behind various incidents such as the Shinto Altar Incident and the question on the Educational Principle whether the basis of education should be Christianity or the Imperial Rescript on Education, etc. The faculty was divided into right and left, and remarks made in the Faculty Meetmg were distorted and leaked to the Ministry of Education, to the military authorities and the media. Posters saying,“Knock down the nation’s traitor, Yuasa !” were put on utility poles in the city of Kyoto. There arose a cry that Doshisya should be closed as long as Yuasa was president.Finally, in February 1937 Yuasa resigned as president of Doshisya. The “ DoshisyaIncident” was the beginning of subsequent oppression against Christians and others.4. Madras Conference and Visit to the USAThe International Missionary Conference (IMC) was held in the winter of 1938 to1939 in Madras,India. This was the first important worldwide conference ever to be held in Asia. Yuasa attended it with Kagawa Toyohiko and others. In the Conference, the controversy between Hendrik Kraemer and William Hocking over Christian monotheism and its relation to other religions arose. This subject is being discussed even today. Arter the Conference, Yuasa, with representatives of China, India, the Philippines and Africa were invited by churches in the USA to bring the “ Madras Message” to them. The organizer of this team was Ruth I. Seabury. They experienced the problem of racial segregation in the States during their rist. Opposition to segregation would eventually develop into the Civil Rights Movement in the nineteen fifties and sixties.*Althnogh this journal usually lists family names last in articles written in English, in this case, at the author’s request,we have followed Japanese name order.


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