新渡戸稲造における修養論の位相 : 包摂と排除の視点から




Inazo Nitobe (1862-1933), known in the West as the author of Bushido : The Soul of Japan (1900) and as a high-ranking League of Nations official (1920-1926), sought to mediate between the West and the East by building “a bridge across the Pacific Ocean”. In Japanese education, he contributed toward establishing a new style of character development named “shuyo”, which was designed to instill “culture” or “Bildung” through the reading of Western literary classics ; This approach was widely adopted among the next generation of educators under the name of “kyoyo”. As an educator, Nitobe was practising this approach across the full range of Japan’s social strata, but current academic opinion is divided as to whether he managed to exert a unifying influence on the country’s social divisions. This paper examines Nitobe’s educational legacy from a systems theory perspective, applying Niklas Luhmann’s (1927-1998) reassessment of the inclusion / exclusion relationship.


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