結婚を機に障害者の同胞となった女性の介入による障害者家族レジリアンスの回復過程 <論文>

DOI 機関リポジトリ Web Site オープンアクセス


  • How a disabled person's family recovered resilience through intervention by a daughter-in-law who became a companion for the disabled person <Article>
  • 結婚を機に障害者の同胞となった女性の介入による障害者家族レジリアンスの回復過程
  • ケッコン オ キ ニ ショウガイシャ ノ ドウホウ ト ナッタ ジョセイ ノ カイニュウ ニ ヨル ショウガイシャ カゾク レジリアンス ノ カイフク カテイ



The purpose of this research was to study the family resilience recovery processes by which a woman who became the sister of a disabled person through marriage was able to improve the family's situation. The subject of the research was a 44 year-old female. She married her husband 25 years ago. Her husband's younger sister was disabled. In this research a single case study was done, through a semi-structured interview. The subject said that she had intervened on a problem of cruelty that the disabled person's family face. The family had been insular, but the subject led it to become one open to society. Furthermore, the disabled person was able to maintain a place in society, which also contributed to the recovery of her physical and emotional functions. In this way, the subject took on the role of recovering the family's resilience. However, this worsened the relation between her mother-in-law and the disabled person. This suggests that the subject's bearing everything on her shoulders was a major burden for her. In the future it is necessary to investigate the subject's life history and the husband's family and increase the number of case studies.


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