

  • カンゴ ガクセイ ノ シボウドウキ ト ジッシュウ タッセイカン 、 カンゴショク ノ ショクギョウテキ アイデンティティ ト ノ カンケイ



背景 看護を志す学生は、看護職という将来の自分をイメージし、さまざまな動機を持って大学で教育を受けている。先行研究では、志望動機と職業的アイデンティティ、臨地実習と職業的アイデンティティの関係が報告されている。しかし、実習達成感を介した看護学生の入学の志望動機と看護職の職業的アイデンティティの関係を検証した研究はみられない。 目的 本研究では、看護学生の入学の志望動機が実習達成感を媒介して看護職の職業的アイデンティティに影響を及ぼすとした仮説モデルを検討した。 方法 対象者は、近畿圏の3つの看護系大学の4年生245名で、平成25年8月~平成26年2月に留置き法による自記式質問紙調査を行った。志望動機、実習達成感、看護職の職業的アイデンティティの関係について検討した。 結果 質問紙の回収数は174名(回収率71%)であった。欠損値を除いた154名を研究対象とした。各変数の相関分析では、「志望動機」と「実習達成感」、「実習達成感」と「看護職の職業的アイデンティティ」でそれぞれ有意な正の関係(r=.25,p<.01;r=.49,p<.01)が示され、「志望動機」と「看護職の職業的アイデンティティ」との有意な関係は示されなかった。共分散構造分析では、志望動機が実習達成感を媒介することで看護職の職業的アイデンティティに影響を及ぼすというモデルが適合され、志望動機が実習達成感を媒介して、看護職の職業的アイデンティティを促進させることが示された。 結論 志望動機が高いと実習達成感が高められ、さらに、看護職の職業的アイデンティティの促進につながることが示された。看護職の職業的アイデンティティを促進させるためには、志望動機が高められる教育の支援と実習達成感が高まる教育の支援を強めていく必要性が示唆された。

Background Students in nursing colleges have various individual motivations but they share the same career prospects in nursing. Previous studies have reported the relationship between motivations for applying and vocational identities as well as between clinical practices and vocational identities. However, there has been no study that verifies the relationship between the students' motivations for applying for nursing colleges and their vocational identities in nursing, which is formed through the feeling of achievement after nursing practices. Objective The study investigated a hypothetical model that assumed the motivations for applying for nursing colleges would affect vocational identities via the feelings of achievement after nursing practices. Method A self-completed questionnaire (delivery and collection method) was conducted for 245 fourth-year nursing students in 3 nursing colleges in Kinki area from August 2013 to February 2014. The relationships between the motivations for applying, the feelings of achievement after nursing practices and the vocational identities were examined. Results 174 responses were returned (collection rate of 71%). Among which 154 complete responses, without missing information, were used in the study. While the correlation analysis of variables showed significant and positive correlations (r=.25,p<.01; r=.49,p<.01) between 'motivation for applying' and 'feeling of achievement after nursing practice' as well as 'feeling of achievement after nursing practice' and 'vocational identity', no significant correlation was found between 'motivation for applying' and 'vocational identity'. A covariance structure analysis was also carried out on the hypothetical model that assumed the motivations for applying for nursing colleges would affect vocational identities via the feelings of achievement after nursing practices. The result showed the model's suitability, demonstrating that motivations for applying for nursing colleges would enhance vocational identities via the feelings of achievement after nursing practices. Conclusions The study demonstrated that higher motivations for applying would strengthen the feelings of achievement after nursing practices, and further, enhance vocational identities in nursing. It suggested the needs for strengthening the educational supports that would heighten the students' initial motivations as well as the feelings of achievement after nursing practices in order to enhance vocational identities in nursing.



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