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  • CSR ト シテ ノ ハイキブツ マネジメント システム ノ コウチク ニ ツイテ
  • Construction of Waste Management System for Corporate Social Responsibility

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廃棄物は,規模や業種を問わずあらゆる企業にとって避けられない環境リスクである。廃棄物処理法は,これまで排出事業者の責任を強化する方向で改正を重ねてきた。「廃棄物業者への丸投げ」は許さないというのが法の趣旨だ。2010(平成22)年改正では,法人による不法投棄に対する罰金をそれまでの最高1億円から3億円に引き上げるなど厳罰化も進んでいる。廃棄物に関する事故や事件に巻き込まれれば,企業は社会的な信用を大きく損なうことにもなる。リスクや損害を回避するには,排出事業者自身が廃棄物や廃棄物処理法に関する知識を身につけ,管理を高度化させるほかない。本論文では,廃棄物処理法や自治体の産廃関連条例への企業としての対応方法や廃棄物リスク管理の実務,産廃における委託事業者の選び方などを怠って対応していたならば,企業として最大の環境リスクと言える廃棄物の管理の在り方や問題点を多角的分析し企業の CSR としての在り方を考察していく。環境に関する規制や法律が年々広範化し,多様化・複雑化する中で,廃棄物に関する法律も新たに追加される時代となり,廃棄物処理法に規定されている排出事業者責任(「廃棄物を出す者が最終処分までの責任を有する」という廃棄物処理の原則)も,年々厳しさを増しており,念には念を入れた管理体制が必要となっている。その中で,企業に属する社員の廃棄物リスクの認識を十分に深め,その仕組みを提言するとともに,廃棄物処理法の解釈の違い(国,都道府県,政令指定都市)における問題点も提言していく。

The waste is the environmental risk that is serious in all companies. Waste Management and Public Cleaning Law disposal strengthened the responsibility to the company which exhausted waste to the social situation. A purpose of the methods of waste disposal is that company oneself takes responsibility until the last disposal of the waste without modelling it with a company exhausting waste leaving it to a supplier to entrust with processing. A law was revised in 2010, and the fine for the illegal dumping by the company was subtracted from 100 million yen to 300 million yen. It becomes severe penal regulations. If a company was related to an accident to be related to waste, I lose social trust and will be accompanied by a big loss. I raise the knowledge of the law to be related to waste as a person of discharge of the waste so that a company evades a risk and the damage of the waste, and establishment of the waste management is necessary. In this article, I discuss it for the correspondence for the laws such as methods of waste disposal and confirm it about business of the management for the waste risk as the company and the choice of the trust supplier of the industrial waste. And I consider correspondence of the waste as the company at a point of view of the corporate social responsibility. In late years there are the original regulations of the metropolis and districts while a law to be related to environment becomes complicated more and more widely, and regulation has been strengthened. In corporate social responsibility, the management about the waste is an important problem, and it is the item which is necessary in doing operation continuously as the company to do compliance. A certain policy by the top management of the company is required in that. It is simple, and the risk to be related to waste arranges the system of administration while all the employees belonging to the company as well as the person in charge of the waste deepened enough knowledge and recognition and proposes it to wrestle positively. And I want to propose it about the problems about the countermeasure in each area in the method of waste disposal.


  • 公共政策志林

    公共政策志林 2 63-85, 2014-03-24


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