Study on Momo saezuri depicted by Hokusai

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  • 北斎画『百囀』考
  • ホクサイガ 『 ヒャクテン 』 コウ

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葛飾北斎は、寛政十一年の『東遊』以来、ほとんど毎年、続々と江戸名所絵本を出した。文化二年正月刊の北斎画、桑楊菴干則撰、江戸西村与八刊「百囀」、墨摺り大本一冊は、その掉尾を飾るものであるが、伝存稀であることもあり、これまで本格的に取り上げられることがなかった。『百囀』の諸本として管見に入ったのは、国会図書館本とボストン美術館の二本などであるが、ボストン美術館の二本は、享受者の手に渡った形跡が見受けられないことから、摺り置き本であった可能性もある。また、『百囀』の特徴として、絵の摺り具合が薄目で、そのためあたかも試し摺りであるかのような印象を受けることが上げられる。 本の性格としては、『東遊』と同様、絵入り狂歌本としての内実を有し、厳密にいえば、寛政十二年に出された『東都名所一覧』以下の狂歌絵本とは、一線を画するところがある。狂歌絵本が、直接、絵に狂歌を彫り込んでいるのに対し、絵入り狂歌本は、狂歌だけの丁を有する形態をいう。背後に江戸や地方の狂歌グループが存在し、その資金提供によって出板されるという実状があり、寛政期には、複数の絵師による色摺りの挿絵を伴った豪華本として出板されることが多かった。その一つが、寛政八年に出板された絵入り狂歌本『百さへつり』であるが、『百囀』の選者干則の序によれば、『百囀」は、かつての師である頭光を撰者とする、この『百さへつり』を踏襲したものという。 Katsushika Hokusai published the illustrated books of the noted place in Edo almost every year from Kansei 11th. Momo saezuri selected by Soyoan Hoshinori and published in January Bunka 2nd by Nishimura Yohachi in Edo, marked the end of them. However Momo saezuri have never been took up until now, since its transmission is very rare. The various books of Momo saezuri, which I could see, are one copy of Diet Library, two copies of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and there st.Furthermore the two copies of Boston could be thought that they are printed and put as it is, because they could not be seen any traces of the use by the purchaser. Then Momo saezuri could be pointed as the characteristic that the condition of the color printing is somewhat thin, therefore we are impressed it is as uncompleted. Depending to the concept of the books Momo saezuri has the reality of e-iri kyoka bon as well as Azuma asobi. Consequently, strictly speaking, Momo saezuri would be observed the difference from kyoka ehon which were published after Toto meisho ichiran in Kansei 8th. As opposed to kyoka ehon in which is engraved the kyoka directly to the picture page, e-iri kyoka bon have the pages for only kyoka. Behind the publication of the e-iri kyoka bon, there is the fact that kyoka groups in Edo and the provinces and they offered the disposal to publish. In Kansei era, it was general that the e-iri kyoka bon were published as the splendid book with colored illustrations by plural artists. One of them is Momo saezuri 百さへつりin Kansei 8th, according to the preface by Hoshinori Momo saezuri 百囀followed the title of Momo Saezuri 百さへつりwhich selected by Tsumuri no Hikaru who was Hoshinori's teacher. The illustrations of Momo saezuri are composed by seven double pages including the figure of Fukagawa hachimangu and each illustration depicted the noted places in Edo taking in the scene of new years. Especially saiwaka (the performing artist of new years) putting the eboshi in the figure of Shin Yoshiwara or Yomiate (the entertainer at the entrance of kabuki theater) in Fukiya cho are conspicuous in the both sides of the depiction and the idea. Although cause of mono color Momo saezjuri gives us somehow the dissatisfaction. Considering the fact that one of the illustrations, the figure of Asakusa kanzeon, was distributed as the colored single sheet prints also, it could be thought the publisher originally intend to publish Momo saezuri as the color book. Then it is doubtful in the figure of Fukiya cho the program of Soga kyogen in January Kyowa 3rd was written on the standing signboard and it is a part as far as two years from the date of the publication of Momo saezuri. The main cause of obstructing the distribution of Momo saezuri as color printed would be asked undoubtedly to the prohibition of color printing issued in May Bunka 1st. The color illustrated books published in Bunka 1st, there were some books including Seiro ehon nenju gyoji and all of them could be found some evidences cause of the crash with its prohibition. Regarding Momo saezuri, could it been considered at first to intend to publish as the color books, but the publication was avoided for the risk and postponed until next year?Still it seems like while the process of printing have finished by thin black ink assumed color printing, being not bring itself to accomplish color printing, the publisher made circulated it as it was.


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