

  • Daily variations of air temperature in summer and winter around the Ise Bay
  • カキ オヨビ トウキ ニ オケル イセワン シュウヘンイキ ノ キオン ノ ヒ ヘンドウ




Daily variations of air temperature in summer and winter around the Ise Bay are examined by use of AMEDAS temperature data in Aichi, Gifu, Mie and Shiga Prefectures during 1979–2001. In this study, temperature data in consideration of adiabatic cooling are used, corrected sea level data by mean temperature lapse rate (0.0065Km-1). From daily maximum and minimum temperature distributions in summer and winter, daily maximum temperatures are high in both seasons northeast off the Nobi Plain and daily minimum temperatures are low. Around the bay mouth of the Ise Bay, daily maximum temperatures are low in summer and daily minimum temperatures are high in summer and winter. To see the daily temperature variations in summer and winter, hourly mean temperature data are calculated. At several stations, the hours to be highest temperature are different from those at other stations in summer. To divide the stations into similar groups, cluster analysis is examined using both summer-time mean by maximum and minimum temperature data and winter-time mean by maximum and minimum temperature data. As a result, all of the stations were classified into several characteristic groups: the group affected by the open ocean, the group located at a high altitude, the group affected by the urbanization and so on. Daily temperature variation is small around the bay mouth of the Ise Bay. On the contrary, daily temperature variation is large northeast off the Nobi Plain. The urbanized area in the Nobi Plain is significantly warmer than the rural part of the Nobi Plain from 17 to 24. In conclusion, the characteristic daily temperature variations are found in the area around the Ise Bay



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