倉橋惣三の幼稚園教育における「生活」概念の検討 : 教育方法と保育内容の視点から

DOI 機関リポジトリ Web Site オープンアクセス


  • A Study on Kurahashi Souzou’s thought of Life in Kindergarten Education from a point of view of Educational Methods and Contents of Child Care and Education
  • クラハシソウサン ノ ヨウチエン キョウイク ニ オケル 「 セイカツ 」 ガイネン ノ ケントウ : キョウイク ホウホウ ト ホイク ナイヨウ ノ シテン カラ



This study aims to analyze Kurahashi Souzou’s thought of life in kindergarten education from a point of view of educational methods and contents of child care and education. As for results: (1) He criticizes educational methods of elementary school and doctrinal Froebelian that teacher leads children strongly and it uses a uniform timetable. The educational methods in kindergarten are appropriate children’s play out of doors and their natural living, and real life withdraws children’s motivation and will. (2) Life in kindergarten includes contents of child care and education of five forms of play, song, observation, speech, handicrafts, and so on, and it is formed children’s voluntary and teacher’s inducement.


  • 幼年教育研究年報

    幼年教育研究年報 38 5-13, 2016-10-17


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