日本人戦没オリンピアン名をめぐる混乱とその真相 : ベルリンに届けられた大島鎌吉の作成名簿更新の試み

機関リポジトリ Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Historical Study of Japanese Olympians Killed in War : Reconstructing the Roster Brought to Berlin by Kenkichi Oshima
  • ニホンジン センボツ オリンピアンメイ オ メグル コンラン ト ソノ シンソウ : ベルリン ニ トドケラレタ オオシマガマ キチ ノ サクセイ メイボ コウシン ノ ココロミ




This study clarifies the number of Japanese Olympians killed in war or by violence. The Sports Museum in Berlin has been gathering the names of Olympians who have fallen victim to acts of violence or war in order to honor them and to appeal for a peaceful world. Currently, the museum has a roster with the names of only five Japanese victims. In 1982, Kenkichi Oshima (A member of the Japanese Olympic Committee) should have brought a list of 30 additional names to Berlin in order to add them to the pedestal of the Olympic bell at Berlin Olympic Stadium. However, it is impossible now not only to find the roster but even to locate the pedestal for the Olympic bell in Berlin. At the same time, Yasukuni Shrine has a list of 31 other Olympians from Japan who became war victims. We make it clear why it's different in three Lists. Our research compares and adjusts these three different lists. As a result, we propose that a new roster should be made with the names of 37 Japanese victims.


  • 広島国際研究

    広島国際研究 22 117-130, 2016-11-30

    広島市立大学国際学部 (Hiroshima City University, Faculty of International Studies)



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