睡眠行動と脳波 : 終夜脳波の発達的考察


  • スイミン コウドウ ト ノウハ シュウヤ ノウハ ノ ハッタツテキ コウサツ
  • Over-Night-EEG's and their Developmental Meaning



1才から23才まで17名の終夜睡眠脳波の検討から次の事柄を検討考察した。 / (1)睡眠は低年令では深睡眠期が長く, 成人では軽睡眠期が長い。 / (2)Rem期の出現時間百分率は1才半以後では年令間に大きな差はなく, Remの脳波にも周波数の上で大きな差異はない。 / (3)体動はいづれの年令でも軽睡眠で最も高頻度に出現し, 次いでRem期であり, 深睡眠期では少い。 / (4)睡眠中の行動の観察から, 行動型をautisticとreactiveにわけると, 生後数ヶ月の間にautisticからreactiveへの発達がみられ, 以後10年位いの間に単純反射行動から高次の反射行動優位型への発達がみられる。

Over-night EEG's from infants, young children and adults were developmentally examined. In infants the slow-large-waves stage (deep sleep) lasts longer than in adults. So far as the duration of Rem (rapid eye movement) – sleep, there is observed little differnce between younger children and adults. The frequency of EEG during Rem-sleep is not changable according to age, while the alpha-wave frequency is clearly increasing as age increases. Applying the scheme (Fig. 4) to this results and Roffwarg's, it is speculated that in new-born infants, incidence of autistic behaviors during sleep is higher and afterwards, in a few months from birth, the reactive behaviors become dominant. That is, the type which autistic behaviors are dominant during sleep is followed up by the reactive-dominant- type. And also the behaviors of lower level of reflex (such as bed-wetting by younger children, simple body movement, etc.) develop into ones of higher level of reflex.


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