イギリスの初等教育 : 1988年から2011年の文化的文脈における教育政策と教育実践


  • Primary education in Britain : Policy and practice in cultural context 1988 to 2011



What can we learn from policy change? What can we learn about primary schools and primary teaching by understanding the dynamics of recent change? This lecture will present an account and an analysis of changes in policy and practice over the last twenty years in Britain. It will also discuss the continuing process of change and current policy trends following a recent change of government. The session will encourage students to reflect on comparisons between Japan and Britain as a way of understanding the social, economic and political factors that inform primary education. The session will be arranged in three sections: 1. Curriculum - national curriculum and the needs of primary children - citizenship, health and welfare - assessment and testing 2. Teachers - teacher qualification and professional development - teacher autonomy and teaching methods - teachers and other adults in the classroom 3. School governance - variety of types of primary school - local accountability - national accountability


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