アパート居住児童のパーソナリティ : 親子関係の心理学的研究の一環として


  • アパート キョジュウ ジドウ ノ パーソナリティ オヤコ カンケイ ノ シンリガクテキ ケンキュウ ノ イッカン トシテ



1)目的 : アパート居住者と非居住者の児童の心理的特性の差異を知り, その根拠を明かにしようとする。 / 2)方法 : (1)アパート(A群), 一般家庭(B群), 高収入者向アパート(C群)の児童4~6学年児について学業, 社会性を調べる (2)その背景としての親子関係をしらべるため, ラドケー中西の親子関係調査を行う。 / 3)結果 : (1)学業成績ではA, B群間に差はなく, A, C群では基礎学科にB, C群間には基礎学科芸能学科で差が見られた。(2)子どもの社会性については, A群は”おちつき”・”度量”の点でB群より優れておりC群は"おちつき” ”人気” “率先” "度量” “礼儀”の項目で好ましい結果を示した。(3)親子関係においては, A群はB群より民主的であり, C群は5項目でA, B群より民主的である。A群はB群に比べ許容的で, C群は更に許容的である。又, C群はA・B両群よりも子供ばさの奨励が強い。同胞不調和一調和については, 3群共に項目によって調和的であるといえる。 / 4)アパート居住児童は非居住児童に比し, ことに社会性においてすぐれ, 高収入者アパート児童程それが著しい。親子関係でもアパート居住者の方が, 子供に民主的で許容的であり人格形成上好ましい条件にあり, これも高級アパートで最も著しい。故にアパート生活そのものが子供の人格に直接影響するものか, 母の態度に影響して更にそれが, 子どもの人格形成を促進するものかは明かでないが, アパート生活が子供の人格にとって好ましい条件であるという事はできよう。

1. Purpose : By comparing the psychological traits of children who live in apartment houses with those of children in detached houses, it is intended to clarify the factors that characterize them. / 2. Method : Subjects consisted of three groups, 40 families (A group) in apartment houses of an equal economic level as that of B group, 40 families (B group) in detached houses, and 40 families (C group) in apartment houses of a higher economic level. The children were from 10 to 12 years old, and attended the preliminary school in the same region. Their school records were surveyed, and the social adjustment examined through sociometry and GuessWho-Test. In order to disclose the parent's attitude to the child, Radke-Nakanishi Parent-child Relation Inquiries were made to the subjects' mothers. / 3. Results: a) On the school records, C group showed the higher scores than those of A and B groups except on gymnastics. b) In terms of composure and generousness, a significant difference was found between A and B. C group showed the characteristics of more composure and generousness than A and B, and moreover, of favorite, initiative and politeness. c) As for the relation of parent-child, 1) A group showed a more democratic attitude than B on the three items. C group was the most democratic. 2) A group was more permissive than B group on one item. C group was more permissive than A and B groups. 3) In the term of "manlike-childlike", a significant difference was observed between A and C, and also B and C. / 4. The children in apartment houses showed a better tendency in social adjustment in comparison with ones in the detached houses. Among the children in the apartment houses, the ones in the higher level of economy were more adjusted. The parents of apartment dwellers showed a more democratic and permissive attitude, much more so with the group of higher economic level. Therefore, the study indicated that living in the apartment houses has given some influences on children's personality, though it was not possible to show whether the type of houses they live in, or the attitude of their parents has given direct influences on children's personality.


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