

  • ワンダラー ブラウス
  • The One-Dollar Blouse



1 はじめに : 「ワンダラーブラウス」は誰でも一度は耳にしたことがあろう。ワンダラーブラウスは戦後最初の日米貿易摩擦を引き起こし、その原因として日本の低賃金が強調された。しかし、ワンダラーブラウスの影響は日米貿易摩擦だけではなかったし、それを可能にした要因は低賃金(とそれを可能にした下請生産システム)だけではなかった。この点を論じることが本稿の目的である。同時に「安かろう悪かろう」とされた戦後直後の日本製品(メイド・イン・ジャパン)のイメージはどこまで米国の消費者発のものであったのか。消費者があれほど急速に受け入れたのは、「安かろう悪かろう」ではなく急拡大期のユニクロ製品のように「安い割に質もよい」との評価があってのことではなかったのか。この点にも言及したい。……

The one-dollar blouse has been regarded as a starting point for post-war trade friction between Japan and the U.S. This paper explains the conditions that triggered the one-dollar blouse phenomenon in each country, and summarizes their effects from three perspectives. First, considering Hong Kong's emergence as a garment sewing hub immediately following the one-dollar blouse issue, one can possibly say that this business model was the starting point of U.S.-oriented OEM export-driven industrialization that had been spearheaded by post-war U.S. companies. This was supported by the linkage of small and medium export companies by spinning and trading companies, and small and medium export companies of various industrial clusters. Second, garment sewing companies were seen shifting to domestic demand when exports were sluggish, and shifting to exports when export conditions were favorable. However, with the start of the 1970s, the switch to domestic demand was clear. These companies then supported domestic apparel companies in garment sewing, which continued to boom but did not have the means of production. Third, it also presented a good example of the negative exemplum. As with Hanae Mori's response (shock and inspiration), this led to one Japanese designer leaping into the wider world, and as with the Miki House brand, it produced business owners directing high value-added management toward the rest of the world.


  • 経営研究

    経営研究 67 (4), 43-67, 2017-02


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