原発事故被災地の再生と中間貯蔵施設 : 民主的合意の形成へ向けて


  • ゲンパツ ジコ ヒサイチ ノ サイセイ ト チュウカン チョゾウ シセツ : ミンシュテキ ゴウイ ノ ケイセイ エ ムケテ
  • Revitalization of Nuclear Disaster Areas and an Interim Storage Facility : Towards More Democratic Decision-Making





英文:In revitalizing nuclear disaster areas, dealing with a large amount of waste contaminated with radioactive materials is an inevitable task. This paper clarifies the framework of a polluted waste disposal policy and problems associated with a project involving construction of an interim storage facility for thirty years’ storage of waste with a high degree of pollution in Fukushima. In conclusion, necessary ideas for dealing with problems based on the consensus of residents living over a large area are presented. Construction of the interim storage facility is not only an additional harm to residents of the planned site, but also a cause of conflicts with other community residents seeking a quick discharge of waste. Moreover, the strategy for final disposal outside Fukushima Prefecture after thirty years is not established at all, and there is great uncertainty about the site's use after the interim storage period. The Ministry of the Environment, the implementing entity of the project, expects that most of the waste will be recyclable due to the reduction in contaminant concentration. But, in many municipalities, even wastes at low concentration cannot be disposed of due to considerations involving residents. The responsibility of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which generated contaminated waste, creating victims in a broad sense, is left ambiguous. Meanwhile, the interim storage tends to be underestimated as a problem of only Fukushima and landowners. However, considering future disposal or recycling of contaminated waste, “Designated Waste” generated outside Fukushima, and the ongoing selection of candidate sites for the final disposal of high-level radioactive waste, it is obvious that the challenge of measures against contaminated waste is neither local nor temporary. In order to promote coping with contaminated waste based on a democratic agreement, it is necessary to prepare a wide area consultation framework with reference to the multistep consensus building process outlined by the Science Council of Japan.


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