「保育実習指導」で見えてきた保育科学生の問題点と保育者養成 ─基本的な生活習慣と学習に対する意識を中心に─


  • 「 ホイク ジッシュウ シドウ 」 デ ミエテ キタ ホイク カガクセイ ノ モンダイテン ト ホイクシャ ヨウセイ : キホンテキ ナ セイカツ シュウカン ト ガクシュウ ニ タイスル イシキ オ チュウシン ニ



It is important to conduct scholarly research on early childhood education activities. To\nelucidate the nature of childrenʼs physicality and psychology, to correctly understand the\nrealities of developmental mechanisms, and to further establish the social system in which\nchildren live is of extreme importance to the favorable growth and development of children.\nHence, initiatives toward the deepening of scholarly research into early childhood education\nare greatly meaningful.\n  At the same time, early childhood education has a long history as “an activity of people\nraising people.” When viewed from this perspective, I believe the study of early childhood\neducation activities must be grounded in daily life. This is because academic theory alone is\nnot enough to raise children. However, observing students aiming to become early childhood\neducators, a few points of anxiety emerge. The reason for this is that I believe their daily life\noften lacks stability. By extension, this negatively impacts their motivation to understand early\nchildhood education activities.\n  It is important is to balance theory and practice. In light of this, I first introduce the\ncurrent situation of students, and then consider the future direction for the training of early\nchildhood educators.


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