中学校段階のリズムダンスの授業における学習者の形成概念 ― カードとキネクトによる動きの提示とタブレット型PCによる動きの確認を工夫して ―


  • Student's conception of junior high school rhythmic dance with effective use ITC for vary movement andcheck their performance



The purpose of this study was to grasp actual state of student’s learning on rhythmic dance through balloon method at a junior high school. Subjects was 72 third-year students, who was 34 boys and 38 girls. For analyze conception of students, as method balloon method was used in which students fill out free description, and it was taken after every dance class. This was analyzed from one dance researcher who working at University with ensuring trustworthiness member check was conducted. As a result 1141 description emerged. This result suggest that students accept this rhythmic dance learning as enjoyable fun activities; recognition of many variety of movement and vocabulary for layer movement variation and quality; creation movement and choreography with good cooperation; effect and regarding important on music; good learning way practice-refine-complete-public performance; exchange and co-learning with other persons; effective utilization learning materials witch were movement cards, dance game KinectXbox360 and tablet video recorder; several difficulty for learning. The limitation of this study was subject number and better study would be with analyzed with interviews.


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